...(contd) We sprinted out of the station, in a flash through the maddening crowd of vehicles in the parking lot (our desperation made it appear all the more crowded), and onto the road in no time. We stopped an auto,"Yeswantpur?"."100 rupees",he said. It is uncanny how easily an auto driver discerns your urgency and decides the fare accordingly."50", I said, hoping he would agree on 60-70, but obviously we didn't have time at our luxury; not even for arguing on the ransom fare. He declared "80", fully knowing we had no choice. It took just a second for us to hop in. It was time for split second decisions. Anyways, we weren't going to travel to Yeswantpur daily. 'How long does it take to reach there?', we enquired. 30 min. "Drive faster, we have to make it in 10-15". As Einstein has rightly put it - "Put your hand on a hot stove for a minute, and it seems like an hour. Sit with a pretty girl for an hour, and it seems like a minute. THAT'S relativity". We were on the hot stove. The 15 minutes seemed like eternity. Looked like we were going in slow motion. It kinda irked me but I told myself to keep my cool. This will pass. Finally we arrived at Yeswantpur. The train was at the platform, ready to leave. There was no time for getting a ticket. We'll pay the fine if need be. Let's just board it. So we boarded the AC coach and dumped our luggage on an empty side berth...(2 be contd-yeah yet again)...
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